NFTs are SICK! …or how the Hamster Game will flip the market
Condition #1
The introductions should be short and contain easy to understand content. Done!
Condition #2
….There is no “Condition #2”! No further conditions and overcomplications. We, Hamsters, do not like these. We love games. And trading cryptocurrency!
That’s why we decided to unite and create the Hamster Game. The first NFT trading game for Flippers and Degenz. The concept is very easy:
- Buy\Sell Hamster Game NFTs
- After each NFT trade we pump or dump the Hamster Game Token
- Earn tokens on each flip you perform
- Provide liquidity and farm crypto
- Repeat!
Hamsters flip the game here. Even if you are not familiar on how to trade cryptocurrencies or stuck with low liquidity NFTs. Hamster Game is designed to trade Hamster NFTs constantly and vigorously. The more you trade = the more tokens you will earn for farming. OR you can hold Hamsters too! No one canceled the collectibles’ primary feature of…collecting. Paper Hands, Diamond Hands, you know…
Hamster Game Phases
There will be 4 phases of development. One has its own purpose.
Phase #1. Sale
20,000 Hamster Game NFTs on Polygon Blockchain, that will be sold during the main sale event in the end of December 2021. Polygon would be one of the best solution for those projects who doesn’t want its community pay for high gas fees. Hamsters are no different. Especially, when big names such as Zed.Run or Sandbox working with Polygon.
We must tell you that 10,000 NFTs will be allocated for free minting. Which means that you only need to pay a transaction fee. And it’s something around 0.01$. In order to be eligible for a free minting, you will need a Minting Ticket. Or as we call it — MinTick. Wait for more information on this. It will be announced shortly. Unless it’d been already.
The minting price for other 10,000 Hamster NFTs is TBA.
The main sale event will be hosted on Hamster Game website. The main trading platform for the Hamster Game Token.
One more thing to know, before we move over to phase #2. Apart from different visual traits, Hamsters can be one of 2 types:
- Pump type NFT. These NFTs pump up the price of a Hamster Game Token.
- Dump. Savagely dumps the price of our beloved crypto.
Phase #2 . Price Discovery
Just like in the real cryptocurrency world. The token price should be decided before it launches on the exchange. We have a strong feeling that Hamster Game community should decide it by themselves. As well as for the token’s name. That’s why after the Phase #1, the website will be showing live data on the Hamster NFT trades and its impact on a price of the future token.
Each Hamster NFT has a hidden trading power. That only its owner knows. When the NFT purchase event occurs, the Hamster pumps or dumps the future token price by the trading power metric that’s attached as a hidden content.
The more people buy Dump NFTs = token’s price dumps harder. Same goes for the Pump type NFT. Keep it balanced!
After some period of time the Price Discovery phase will be over. And we will need to move further. To the next phase…
Phase #3. Airdrop
The easiest phase. If you passed the previous 2 successfully. According to your trading record, you’ve become the successful Hamster…trader. That should be rewarded in the form of Hamster Game Tokens. The amount of tokens that will be airdropped to you depends on the amount of trades (Pump or Dump NFTs) and holdings during snapshot.
And when you get the tokens, these can be pooled into LP for “Hamster Game Token versus Ethereum” trading pair. And this is where it all begins…
Phase #4. Trading
Hamster Game is a highly different concept than you’ve seen before. You do not trade crypto tokens, but trade NFTs to trade crypto. You do not read charts, but look for specific Hamsters. You do not analyze the crypto market with a monitor face, you are just having fun.
The whole cryptocurrency market is manipulated by robots and algorithms. Leaving us, Hamsters, to be on our own. And fight for our wealth. Against each other and among each other. But by our own rules. When we manipulate the market and activate bots trading.
That is why during the Phase 4, all the previous stages will be combined. Two smart contracts will be deployed. One will be buying, one will be selling. Triggered only when we trade Hamsters NFT. This is an endless game. And while it sounds easy, there will be room for some strategy too.
We are just in the beginning. Stay tuned for more updates.
Next article will be about the Mint Tickets system that we are implementing for you to get free mint NFTs. Forget about Whitelists. MinTicks (Mint Tickets) are way more fun.